Tuesday, March 1, 2011

i'm obsessed

I'm just going lay it on the table, put it out there, let everyone know right from the start... 

I love black and brown. 

More importantly, you should know that I am obsessed with wearing the two colors together. 

I'm not one of those "bag switcher" girls, when I find a bag I like, the rest of the world better like it too, because I will carry that bag like a second skin until the day it falls apart. I have no need for clutches, fanny packs, or bags that match certain outfits. Give me one (kind of large) black and brown bag that looks cute with every article of clothing I own and doubles as elbow/shoulder bag, and I can guarantee you that unless that bag evaporates, falls apart or is stolen you will find me with that same bag on my elbow when I'm dead. 

My current bag and I are in a monogamous relationship - it's getting pretty serious. My boyfriend is starting to get worried.

The attraction is obvious.

Belt: Target
Shoes: Target

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