Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the friend dress

Shoes: Cole Haan
Sunglasses: Ray Ban

Back to work means back to routine and back to outfit pics and daily blog posts. lucky you!

After 13 days out of the office I'm pretty sure my closet was showing the beginning signs of separation anxiety...

This blue dress is an oldie-but-goodie. I bought it the week before I started my "real job" and it always kinda makes me feel a little bit like I'm playing dress up for take your daughter to work day (the one day of the year I wish my mom wasn't a teacher .. lets be honest who wants to get out of going to school just to have to go hang out with your mom at HER school - it was ALWAYS a total let down!). I remember the first day I wore this dress to my new "real job" -  It was this dress that woke-up the office peanut gallery, evoking compliments and conversation .... thus creating my current group of oh-so-constructive, crap talking work-friends that (ruthlessly) gauge my outfits each day :) 

good dress. better memories.

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