Tuesday, October 30, 2012


My weekend according to Instagram:
(A day late, it obviously took me a little while to recover from the devastating Gator loss on Saturday)

Taking full advantage of the FULL BOTTLE of leftover champagne 
from the photo shoot at work. Aka: Weekend Pre-Gaming.

Prepping for our tailgate.

At this point I feel obligated to mention that we took absolutely ZERO pictures during the game. I then decided that I was going to revise my previous expectation to "take a picture during every game" to now be "take a picture during every game that the Gators WIN." With this new correction, I've inevitably made myself not feel to guilty for my lack of photos. BAM!

I forgot to mention that my sister, Mary Kate, and her boyfrannn, Matt, spent the weekend with us. After the game that will no longer be mentioned on this blog, they fancied up and went to the Zac Brown Band Concert. JEALOUS!

This was our Sunday existence:

 1. Watching DVR episodes of extreme cheapskates
2. Watching the my least favorite NFL team loose (Jags)
3. Questioning the sanity of the Steelers stylist (and maybe Nike) and their god-awful decision to create (and wear) a "tribute uniform" reminiscent of a bumble bee

Exhibit A:
Really, what were they thinking!?

The silver lining of the weekend was the weather! For the first time all year the temperature wasn't offensive outside allowing us to open the windows!  ... thus creating Remy's new favorite hobby: Guard Doggin' the carport. 

Follow my exciting life on Instagram: Magmag1010

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