Tuesday, June 14, 2011

... just lazy.

Shirt / Shoes: Target
Sweater: Jcrew
Skirt: Gap

Hello stylish friends - long time no post (I'll take the blame for that one)!

Disclaimer: This is the I wore yesterday but was too lazy to post. You can call me a lot of things, but a liar is not one of them :)

So when I ordered this skirt a few months ago I was obsessed with it ... but apparently obsession and wearing are 2 different things. Every time I put this skirt on I'm inevitably 30+ minutes late(r) to work .. I have the HARDEST time pairing it with tops and figuring out which shoes to wear ... and then as soon as I get to work I decide I hate my outfit and immediately want to go home for a wardrobe intervention. It was also a bad choice of outfits for me to wear because I had to move into the pre-school yesterday and well... getting under tables to plug all your teenage electronics in is not best practice while wearing a skirt.  

I want to tell you all about my weekend, but it's Tuesday - and I feel like I'm a day late and a dollar short to be explaining events that feel like they occurred 10 years ago! so I wont. Please just know that my first Judy Levitz day celebration was a total drunkin' success. 

Office Update: As I mentioned above, I have officially been relocated into the pre-school section of my office. Complete with a white board and desks with no dividers .. however, I'm still in the process of organizing my petition for nap time. To make my pre-school transition complete I've been having John drop me off in the mornings and make me lunches in the afternoon. I'm still trying to gauge when it will be appropriate to ask for snack time and colored pencils. I'm picking my battles. 

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