Thursday, April 7, 2011

bright funerals

My outfit today was totally un-interesting and a total repeat of the black and brown (surprise, surprise) ensemble I wore last week. BUT in my defense I had completely legit reason to be repeating this "blah" get-up. Today was a day of funerals. I didn't actually attend any funerals, but I did find my way downstairs to a funeral memorial, which is definitely the only form of a funeral I don't mind attending - obviously because of the alcohol. This funeral memorial however was not for a human, but for an event that will no longer be taking place - which is unfortunate since a giant portion of the event was dedicated to excessive drinking, VIP suites and wild parties. So drinking in honor of the dead event was what it would have wanted (we read its will, it definitely wanted lots of drinking).

Side note: I'm beginning to think a lot of what I write on this blog makes me sound like a consistently mad alcoholic. I'm not. I promise.

Moving on, as I explained above - I wore black today. So obviously the outfit pictured below is NOT what I actually wore today. The dress pictured below is what I wore yesterday and bright reminder of how much yesterday sucked. I'm a total believer in luck, and when things suck, I look down at what I'm wearing and try and find the "odd-ball" (the piece of clothing that I don't wear all that often) and I vow never to wear it again. All I can say is that my fingers are crossed that the un-lucky item in that outfit was my underwear. That dress was way too expensive (and cute) to be unlucky. I'll keep you posted. 

Shoes: Cole Haan

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