Tuesday, April 12, 2011

what rules?

quickie post: i technically did not loose the secret bet. My mom came into town today and took me to dinner. I did not pay. In fact, I didn't even bring my purse with me. We will eat our boring chicken tomorrow night. Fingers crossed inspiration strikes between then and now.

It was sunny. then windy. then cloudy. then rainy. then dark. Somewhere between rainy and dark I changed into pjs and completely forgot to take outfit pictures. eh.

yup. i'm breaking my number one cardinal rule of blogging: always blog with pictures. 

Rules were made to be broken. and i'm a rebel. 


  1. check out my last post! you can make chicken salad and it's awesome and super easy

  2. YES!!! SOOO good!!
    It's definitely on the menu next week :) At the rate were going the giant bag of frozen chicken will be dinner for the next 6 months!
