Monday, April 4, 2011

camo is cool

I go out of my way to make sure John knows as little about how much I shop as possible. I've come up with a few tried and true schemes over the years that we've been dating but none work better than the "Car Trick." 

Car Trick:
1. buy stuff
2. leave it in the car when you get home (unless you bought stuff for him and then you can bring that inside *bonus points if you say you just bought him stuff and nothing for yourself)
3. find a reason to go to your car later (I usually do this when I take the dogs out in the morning when John is still asleep)
4. get dressed in your new clothes
5. dispose of the bags/receipts/tags in the outside dumpster
6. pretend you've had the clothes forever

The Car Trick has been going on for years. until yesterday when John decided to do something out of the ordinary ... wash my car. I know ya'll are asking .. how can I want to hide things from my sweet boyfriend that washes and cleans my car and I don't even have to ask!?!?

I was super pre occupied all weekend visiting with out of town family and friends.. so when I got a text from John saying "you think just b/c it's camo it's ok?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

Process of elimination .. still nothing... camo what?

My questions were answered when I walked in the door and saw my new dress, that I had so deviously hidden in the back seat of my car, laying on the bed (next to my new shoes).

John: nice camo dress
Me: if it were camo you wouldn't have found it
John: BECAUSE it's camo I found it 

FYI: John's favorite color ever, ever, ever is camo. it will without a doubt be an argument if we ever have to plan a wedding together

Needless to say, I wore a "pretty camo dress" today to work. 
Camo is cool.

John wanted to "test" the camo-ness

Dress: Target
Sweater: Ann Taylor Loft
Shoes: Cole Haan