Sunday, April 17, 2011

popcorn intervention

Dress: Target
Sweater: Jcrew
Shoes: Target

I guess it's probably time to let you in on a little secret. 
I'm addicted to popcorn. 
100 calorie, microwaveable, popcorn. I swear to you, I don't think there is anything better in the world. Sprinkle with a little kosher salt, fresh ground pepper and grated parmesean cheese - and there you have it, my weakness in a bowl. I'm literally obsessed. I probably go through 2 boxes a week and sometimes find myself "grocery shopping" and coming home with ONLY popcorn. John does not share my same affinity for popcorn - so when I have to explain the numerous popcorn bowls in the sink and the reason we are ALWAYS out of parmesean cheese, he threatens a popcorn intervention. While I'm not entirely sure there is such thing as a food intervention - I usually try and tone down the popcorn-ing for a day or 2 and limit myself to popping only while he's at work, or sleeping, or in the shower, or not paying attention. Today is one of those days.

Last night John and I had "date night" - how is this different than any other night of the week, you might ask? Well my friends, we went to a movie. 
Explanation: I normally HATE going to movies. John and I have been to a grand total of 3 movies in our entire relationship and watched even less than that from the comfort of our couch. Reason being - I have horrible ADHD. John HATES this - he is a total movie watching junkie. Going/watching a movie is like pure torture for me, just the thought of sitting in one spot for longer than 10 minutes makes me break into hives. So last night at dinner, after a long day of doing whatever I want (as usual), John brought up the "brilliant" idea to go see a movie. He usually does this every few months, I always say no, life goes on.
Not the case last night. John must have been crafting a book of ways to counter all my excuses over the past 3 years and decided to debut his little masterpiece last night at dinner, naming all the reasons why we SHOULD go to a movie: 
Reason number 1: popcorn. 
Reason number 2: We could see Soul Surfer. I hate surprises, so going to see a movie where I already know what the ending will be didn't take me too far out of my comfort zone 
Reason number 3: he would pay.

Last night my friends, John and I saw movie number 4 of our 3 year relationship and I only went to the bathroom twice. 

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