Sunday, March 20, 2011


This weekend was basically the epitome of Christmas and my birthday. Combined. AKA: Birthmas

St. Patrick's day is my absolute favorite holiday - so combine the best day of the year with getting to wear E.T.M.G. (entirely too much green), green beer, friends visiting from home, a three day weekend, day drinking, pool hopping basketball games, and wall street people watching and you've basically described my reason for existence. I live for weekends like this.

Thursday between the minutes of 5:18 and 5:30 my cube transformed into the stairs (aka: holding cell) of my parents house on Christmas morning. The stairs is where they keep us all in waiting as they take pictures, ask if we heard Santa (always say yes, it cuts down the number of questions) and try their best to steer us towards breakfast before presents (ya right), etc, etc, etc... Time was not moving, I was trying my hardest to play multiple games of words with friends to keep my eyes from looking at the clock (that was moving slower than John doing a load of laundry). FINALLY at 5:30 the bars on my cell opened, little green angels started singing, Jesus called my cell phone and welcomed me to heaven and I slowly floated down the stairs into the bar.

I love St. Patrick's day.

Ironically, I have no pictures of my St. Patricks day (this is probably for the better). 

Blog friends please meet real-life friend Ellie. 

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