Wednesday, March 23, 2011

blog celebrities

hook & stylit is nearing it's one month anniversary!  
Yes, there will be celebrating.duh. Complete with drinking, dancing, oh, and I will be demanding a celebratory dinner at the restaurant of my choice - John's so lucky.

With that said I think it's due time to pay tribute to some of the most fashion-forward, kind, beautiful ladies that I have met since joining the style blog community. 

They're basically celebrities.

The first time they commented on one of my posts I was star-stuck! I was so amazed that these big-deal, super-bloggers were talking to me! It was a total bonus when I found out that not only did they all have amazing style sense, but they are all the nicest people on the planet! 

They have all in a sense become my blogging mentors. Their posts are the first I read every morning when I get to work (before I open my work email. I have my priorities straight people) and the posts I look forward to reading the next day.  Each of these woman have wonderful, different and unique senses of style that I find myself drawing my own outfit inspiration from. 

I came across each of these pages separately - usually the result of some random Google search or by other bloggers that had referenced or recommended them. Regardless of the way that I found them, I'm glad I did!

Over the course of my first anniversary month I will be featuring each of these stylish ladies so you can get to know them! But until then, check out their blogs and send some love!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your blog anniversary! And thanks for introducing me to new fabulous ladies!
