Tuesday, March 8, 2011

oh Lent

It is wrong to give up work for Lent? It's just one of the things I'm considering giving up for the holy 40. But just in case I find out my job doesn't consider 40 days off kosher, I have come up with a few other options that may not require me to loose my job or a paycheck:

- Making my bed
- Doing laundry
- Grocery shopping
- Paying bills

I need to run these past John when he gets home - he might be able to narrow down my options.

Last year I attempted to give up Facebook for Lent. That lasted about 4 hours, until  I remembered that I was in a class called SOCIAL MEDIA. I've also attempted to give up homework before - for some reason college wasn't to keen on the idea and was quick to inform me that (like my current job) 40 days of no homework resulted in failing. Since I couldn't figure out an acceptable way to tell my parents why I had been kicked out, I promptly started back on my homework.

Back in the day I used to be like the greatest Lent giver-uper ever. I've given up everything (at one time or another)that a 
7 - 14 year old would consider to be sacred:

- Katchup
- Chocolate
- Chicken Fingers
- Fried Food
- Chic Fil A

The jury is still out as to what I will ban from my life for the next 40 days. I will consult the judge (John) when he gets home and announce the verdict tomorrow.

As for today's outfit .. I stepped a smidgen out of my comfort zone and got a little creative with my scarve and belt thanks to a tip I learned from this blogging fashionista (Linley, from Dwelling and Telling). Nobody said anything about my creative outfit all day - I'll just take the liberty of interpreting their silence to mean that they loved it.

*Please enjoy the iphone/mirror pictures - I'm working on it. 

Shirt: Gap
Pants: Gap
Scarve: Target
Belt: Target
Shoes: Tory Burch

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