Sunday, March 6, 2011

weekend staples

My weekend outfits seem to be more like weekend uniforms. John was joking with me a few weeks ago when I first brought up the possibility of starting a daily style blog about what I planned to blog about since I wear the same things all the time. 
He's only 90% right.

I DO wear the same things. A LOT. It's kind of like my purse - I get attached. And when it comes to my weekend staples (WS), I'm a bit of a non-thinker. It's like I loose every creative and hygienic bone in my body and I resort to living like I belong on an episode of hoarders. WS requirements: the looser the better. It wasn't until we got Remy that pants were added to the mix, mostly because potty training involved going outside and well, I guess pants are a requirement for being in public. We debated getting Remy "poochie panties" but turns out we have an ounce of dignity and pride between the 2 of us, and so instead we opted for the Costco size bottle of urine - gone carpet pee remover - just in case. 

Back to my W.S. (Weekend Staples) - They kind of double as my after 5:30pm weekday clothes too. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have affinity for loose fitting, stretchy clothing. So when 5:30 rolls around I walk in the door and strip - into my WS for the remainder of the night. Usually this outfit consists of a (stolen, then) cut off t-shirt of Johns, gray (or black depending on whats clean) Lululemon sweatpants and a stretchy headband. 

This weekend however John and I decided to take our alcoholism outside the house and go to happy hour at a restaurant around the corner. After a 3 rounds, 2 loafs of bread and 1 appetizer later we spontaneously decided to go see a movie. I knew for sure that I wasn't about to sit through a movie without my sweatpants, it would be breaking God's first commandment, thou must be comfortable at all times, and demanded to run home so I could change into my stretchies.

The movie was good (I was comfortable) and was a nice change of scenery for the afternoon.

Spontaneous Date Nights:
John: 1 
Maggie: 0

Saturday on the couch outfit

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