Friday, March 4, 2011

blame it on the moon

I really hate when people use expressions like these on Fridays:

"Is it Friday yet?" 
Yes, it's Friday. It's the one day of the week that involves me coming to work that I can semi-look forward to. duh.

"I can't believe what time it is" 
Well I know exactly what time it is. It's 4:36pm on a Friday. 
Now hurry this call up!

Blame it on the time of the month or the moon - but I don't think I have ever been more ready for a work week to be over! I'm sure it's the same right now in all large companies, but so many layoffs and job changes all at once is beginning to really take a toll on my office morale and attitude. It seems like the day-to-day drama of a corporate office is like a glorified soap opera. I'm not a fan.

Enough about work.

Boyfriend works tonight so I wasn't able to have him take pictures of my outfit. It was nothing stellar (SAT word - booya!) and I probably would have chosen my clothing differently had I watched, read, or looked up the weather for today. 
Sunny, hot, rainy, muggy, cold, windy, sunny, pouring, cold - all in ONE day! 
My silk dress and bare legs were no match for the wind and I'm sure whoever saw me running from my office to my car probably got a little show.

I didn't want to be lame and not put a picture up at all - so here it is folks, I like to call this look "Friday Night." 

Unofficially sponsored by Stella Artois.

Note: Remy has an affinity for the cold and for water. 
Condensation is his idea of heaven. he's a freak.

Earrings: Target
Beer: Publix 

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