Sunday, March 27, 2011

my apologies.

My apologies for my posting absence. things happen. 

So much for taking a drinking vacation this week. peer pressure.
It was like the week of break-ups, make-ups and friends in town. I cannot be expected to listen to break up stories and speculations without drinking. duh. It was also the end of the sales meeting. enough said. i drank in excess. Not to mention, I totally forgot that the Gators were playing yesterday, and lets just face it, you can't be expected to watch basketball (or any sport for that matter) without drinking. So yes, I caved.  

Ellie resorted to the beer straw

The explanations above should sufficiently explain my absent blog posts.

In addition to caving on my drinking promise, I also caved on my promise to (try) and not shop till i save more pennies. (I've said it before, IM WEAK) I caved BIG time on that little shopping promise - John may not agree with my reasoning, but in my defense I wasn't shopping for fun, I was shopping for necessities. 

MAC foundation = necessity 
6 Bath & Body Works triple thick lotions = necessity
Anthropologie denim dress = "necessity"

YUP - that's right. MORE DENIM!

New denim dress (from the "grocery"store")

As far as John's concerned, Anthropologie is a grocery store, specializing in gourmet food. similar to Whole Foods, but wayyy more expensive. I'd like to keep him knowing as little about Anthropologie as possible - I think it's for the better of our relationship.

In other news I have an update on John's good friend Nate Dogg. 
Snoop Dogg, another BFF of  Mr. Nate Dogg, paid tribute to the assumed rapper/drug dealer by getting a giant tattoo on his arm. I'm crossing my fingers that Wal-Mart will soon release a temporary tattoo version that I can buy for John, otherwise I fear I may come home to a full body tribute. and that I cannot handle. 

Snoop's (were on a first name basis)tribute 

For your reading enjoyment:
(Tid-bit)This evening's text conversation with John:

Me: the tea you made is REALLY GOOD! nothing like washing down double stuff Oreos with sugar water. thanks!
John: Whats r song? Do we have one?
Me: "because i got high" duh.
Me: j/k 
Me: Alan Jackson's "when somebody loves you" - really John? This was the song that was playing the first time you told me you loved me!
John: it was? i did?
John: i think i was drunk. maybe?
Me: i love you too.
John: you like my tea?


  1. Hey Maggie! I love catching up with people via blogspot :) Love that anthropologie dress, btw! Also, where do you work?

  2. Nicole!

    I found your blog via Halie's ... and I wont even lie, i totally creeped like the entire thing!
    Your life sounds amazing! All grown up, married and a home owner!! CONGRATS!!!

    I moved to Winter Park (right outside Orlando) to work for a media company in their events/marketing department. I work mainly with magazines:)

    I dont think I even have to ask what your doing.. I feel like i know everything from your blog! But you can give me a little background on how you met your husband!!!

    I have another website that I'm working on too:

    I hope all is well!

  3. Hahah I did the same thing! And you know, I'll actually do a post on how we met, in case there are any others who don't know :)

    Sounds like a cool job! I love your blog and I hope you post as much as I do (I'm totally obsessed) haha!

    I'm glad we've reconnected. Gotta love the interweb :)
